Wednesday, 25 May 2011

A Day Out In Hartland

A couple of times a month i like to go for a day trip and act like a tourist for the day in our lovely area i thought it would be fun to share my adventures with you on here. So last Sunday we headed for Hartland and visited Hartland Abbey where Prince William spent his Stag do!

We had a lovely time wandering around the Gardens!
And watching the waves crash at Hartland quay.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Spring Competition Winner!

The Winner!

We couldn't resist theses cute bunnies petal and honey 9 weeks old sent in by Gloryhalleluya congratulation's your prize will be posted to you!

Our other favourites

We love this painting of daffodils painted by Tracy Manning at

This beautiful photo sent in by Kim Allen Who says For me spring is about everything coming back to life, new lives being sparked and the start of sun dappled lazy days, hopefully my photo shows this, I took it a couple of weeks ago when we were on holiday in the Peak District.

Thank you for all the entries, we will be running more competitions through out the year!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

♥ Please Support Independent Retailers ♥

Being an independent family run Shop and online retailer we are very interested in Mary Portas leading a review into the future of the high street and to trying to find ways to encourage small and independent retailers.We believe where you can you should always shop with independent and also local business unless you want to see a world of corporate run businesses and lose the small creative businesses .But we don't want the independent online retailers who bring individual and creative online shops to the web to be forgotten. So please help with  campaign.

Take a look at there blog for a list of independent online retailer shops. Be individual shop independent retailers!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

If you go down to the woods today ...

Spring has sprung!

I love walking in the woods especially at this time of year,so last week we headed for the woods behind Watersmeet to look at the gorgeous Bluebells and what a pretty sight they were,we then walked on to Rockford and stopped of for a yummy pub dinner and some wine!

Friday, 6 May 2011

A Royal Wedding Party!

As it's the week anniversary of the Royal Wedding  and  i have finally got all the photos on my computer i wanted to share with you the Royal Street Party that took place at the bottom of the hill from our shop in Lynton and our own tea party we had in the evening.

Our own Royal Tea Party!